Falcon Cement OPC


OPC being the most popular product under the Falcon Brand is used in all types of general construction.

It is manufactured from Portland Cement Clinker and Gypsum and not only conforms but also surpasses to the following standards,

  •  Pakistan Standard        PS 232-2008(R) Grade 43
  •  European Standard      EN 197-1 : 2011, CEM I, Class 42.5N
Chemical Properties OPC
Analysis EN 197-1:2011 CEM I Class 42.5 N PS-232-2008® Falcon Brand Effects On Quality
Grade 43
MgO 6.00% Max. 1.5 Least Expansion
SO3 3.50% Max. 3.00% Max* 2.5 Reduce Expansion, Soundness & Setting Time
I.R 5.00% Max. 3.00% Max 0.3 High Purity
Cl 0.10% Max. 0.01 To Prevent Corrosion
L.O.I. 5.00% Max. 5.00% Max. 1.65 High Purity
L.S.F. 0.66-1.02 0.91 High Strength
Physical Properties OPC
Properties EN 197-1:2011 CEM I PS-232-2008® Falcon Brand
Class 42.5 N Grade 43
Fineness cm2/gm  2250 2800
Setting Time Initial (Mins.) 60 Min.  30 Min. 120
Final (Hrs)  10 Max. 3.25
Soundness L-Chatlier(mm) 10 Max  10 Max. 0.5
Auto Clave (%)  0.80 Max. 0.27
Compressive strength
2-Days N/mm2 10 Min.  – 23.5
3-Days 23.00 Min 30
7-Days 33.00 Min* 36
28-Days 42.50 Min. 43.00 Min 45
* Optional



OPC is used in general and major construction projects as well as in manufacture of concrete products. It can be used in concretes, mortars, grouts & premix concrete, where chemical attack is not a predictable risk.


OPC is compatible with super-plasticizers accelerators and retarders etc. these admixtures should be added as per the recommendations of manufacturers.

Strength development:

The strength development of OPC is primarily dependent on the water/cement ratio of the concrete mix design.

Effect of excess water:

Compressive strength of concrete reduces with increased water addition. Excess water addition has detrimental effect not only on the compressive strength of concrete but also on the other concrete properties as well. Compressive strength also effected when quality of sand, crush & water may be compromise / depends on quality of sand/crush/water. It increases permeability of concrete and make it more susceptible to carbonation, sulfate and chloride ingress. It is recommended to use only the minimum quantity of water which can give a manageable workability and slump.


Good curing significantly improves the compressive strength of concrete and minimizes the shrinkage cracks. Curing also improves quality of concrete surface, it reduces permeability thereby reducing the carbonation rate of concrete.


Falcon Brand Ordinary Portland Cement used in all general construction especially in major prestigious projects where cement is to meet stringent quality requirements. It can be used in concrete, mortars, premix concrete and grouts etc. Ordinary Portland Cement is Compatible/consumable with admixture/retarders etc.

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Falcon Cement

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